It’s a new year, new month, and yes…a new Marvel Snap season! Second Dinner announced the new season, “Savage Land.” The new season features new cards, new card locations, and free and paid battle passes.

Along with new cosmetics, variants, and titles, the featured card for this month is Zabu, a 3-energy, 2-power card that lowers the energy cost of all 4-energy cards by 2-energy. Shanna, Sauron, Dazzler, and Shadow King will be joining the Pool 5 cards this month as well. Shanna is a 4-energy, 2-power on reveal card that will add a random 1-power card to each location. Sauron is a 3 energy, 3 power on reveal card that removes the abilities from all ongoing cards in your hand and deck. Dazzler is a 4-energy, 4-power ongoing card that will give +6 power if each location has 4 cards. Shadow King is a 4-energy, 3-power on reveal card that sets all cards at the location it is played at back to its original base power. Like other Series 5 cards, they will be a 1-in-100 pull, aside from Zabu which is received in the premium battle pass.

Five new locations will be added to the rotation for players. Eternity Range will add a rock card  to the losing player’s side of the location. Altar of Death allows the player to destroy one card and gain +2 energy for the next turn. The Rickety Bridge location will destroy cards if there is more than one located there at the end of the turn. Plunder Castle restricts cards played there to only 6-energy cards. The last new location is The Collapsed Mine and this location will fill the location with rocks and force the player to skip a turn to destroy the rocks for free.

Along with a new season, Second Dinner announced a few changes to existing cards. Leader will have a power reduction from 4 to 3. Aero is also receiving a nerf from 8-power to 7-power. Nova will be nerfed to a 1-power card as well. Drax and Groot received a +1 power boost to their base card, but their on reveal effects are reduced by 1 (+3 instead of +4 for Drax and +2 instead of +3 for Groot). Hazmat, Black Cat, and Nakia all received a +1 power boost to their base card power.

Image from: Marvel/Second Dinner