Nvidia, the company behind some of the most powerful graphics cards known to gamers, has offered a not-so-powerful software experience for PC users. Nvidia announced Thursday a much needed revamping of their software experience with the creation of the “Nvidia App,” an all-in-one app. No longer will PC users need to have two separate, horrible experiences with the Nvidia Control Panel and GeForce Experience.

The Nvidia App will merge both apps into one unified app that will connect to their other apps and features, allowing for a smoother process to fine tune your PC and game settings. One of the biggest changes is no longer needing an Nvidia account and having to log into your account just to update drivers. Nvidia will reward those who do choose to make an account with rewards and the ability to redeem bundles. 

With the upgraded app, Nvidia says they will be removing their Broadcast to Twitch and YouTube options, as well as Share Images and Video to Facebook and Youtube. While the app will focus primarily on merging the Control Panel and GeForce experience, Nvidia does have plans for additions to their new app, “Additionally, we’ll be adding several attributes from GeForce Experience and RTX Experience, such as GPU overclocking and driver roll-back,” says Nvidia.

Along with the news of the Nvidia app, Nvidia reported major earnings last quarter and beat market estimates by almost $2 billion, resulting in their stock surging 9% and going full diamond hands to the moon. Nvidia gives credit to the recent AI boom stating, “This new AI infrastructure will open up a whole new world of applications not possible today.” “We started the AI journey with the hyperscale cloud providers and consumer internet companies, and now every industry is on board — from automotive, to healthcare, to financial services, to industrial, to telecom, media and entertainment.”

Image from: Nvidia