Jon and Joey are joined by special guest Drew Walker, Director of Content Strategy at OTN Media, as they discuss: recent industry acquisitions, Ubisoft’s latest earnings call, Capcom’s countdown announcement, NieR: Automata getting an anime adaptation, sunsetting the Bethesda PC launcher, 2K securing a new deal with LEGO, Amazon signing first-look deals for new game to tv adaptations, rumors of a PlayStation showcase coming in March, Elden Ring’s monumental release, Cloud9 parting ways with LCS head coach LS, and much more on this episode of the LvLUp Podcast! #LvLUpLIVE
Comments or questions for the show? Head on over to Twitter @LvLUpLIVE. You can also find Joey on twitter @KourtsideKing and Jon @Phiask0.
Today’s guest can be found on twitter as well at: @WalkerTN15
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Opening Music: Distrion – Heroes Of Fire
Closing Music: Klave – Eurodancer